Local Sales and Use Tax Information

Recent Changes In Local Taxes 

State and Local Tax Collection Data  

Development Information Network of Arkansas

Arkansas Municipal League

Arkansas Association of Counties

There are more than 300 local taxes in Arkansas since local taxes have become a reality. Most cities and counties have local taxes. Cities and counties have the authority to enact a local sales and use tax if it is passed by an election of the voters in their jurisdiction.

The local sales and use tax is collected by the state and not the cities or counties. It's then distributed back to the cities and counties every month. Businesses report the cities or counties they have collected tax for to the state on their Excise Tax Report. The state accounts for all of the funds collected and remits it back to the various cities and counties. Vehicles that have tax due are paid at the local Revenue Offices and the local tax is determined by the individual's residence.

Beginning January 1, 2008, local tax caps on single transactions will no longer apply when retailers collect city and county sales and use taxes. Since the caps no longer apply, retailers will collect the full amount of state, city, and county taxes on all transactions. Purchases by businesses may be eligible to apply to DFA for a refund of the local tax for qualified business purchases made on or after January 1, 2008.

The new definition for Single Transaction is as follows:

“Single transaction shall mean any sale of tangible personal property or taxable service reflected on a single invoice, receipt, or statement for which an aggregate sales or use tax amount has been reported or remitted to the state for a single local taxing jurisdiction.”

Also, beginning January 1, 2008, if your business makes a retail sale of property and delivers the tangible property through common carrier, your truck, mail, or by any other shipping or delivery method to your customer, you will charge the state, county, and city taxes based on where the purchaser takes receipt or delivery. The terms “receive” and “receipt” mean taking possession of tangible personal property or making first use of services. The terms do not include possession by a shipping company on behalf of a purchaser.