Stop Violence Against Women Act (STOP)
Program Title
Services • Training • Officers • Prosecutors (STOP) Violence Against Women Act
Program Description
Federal grant funds are awarded to the State of Arkansas to support projects statewide that develop and strengthen effective law enforcement and prosecution strategies and victim services in cases involving violent crimes against women. Federal legislation requires the state to apply funds within the following five categories: (1) Prosecution; (2) Law Enforcement; (3) Courts; (4) Non-Profit Victim Services, and (5) Discretionary.
Please see the Approved Arkansas STOP implementation Plan for more details.
2017-2020 STOP Implementation Plan
2022-2025 STOP Implementation Plan
Source of Funding
U. S. Department of Justice, Violence Against Women Office
Eligible Program Participants
Nonprofit organizations and judicial, law enforcement, prosecutorial and governmental entities. Examples of eligible participants include, but are not limited to:
(1) offices of elected prosecuting attorneys and city attorneys responsible for prosecuting adult sexual assault, stalking and/or domestic violence misdemeanors and/or felonies, or organizations that are primarily designed to provide related training to attorneys responsible for prosecuting these crimes;
(2) law enforcement agencies whose primary responsibility, as established by statute or ordinance, is the enforcement of criminal laws, including adult sexual assault, stalking and/or domestic violence, and whose official scope of duties include investigation and arrest powers;
(3) circuit or district courts that have jurisdictional authority over civil and/or criminal cases involving adult sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking and dating violence, or a state agency that routinely performs supports services (i.e. research and training) for court officials.
(4) nonprofit, nongovernmental organizations that assist or initiate a project to assist adult victims of sexual assault, stalking and/or domestic violence, and
(5) agencies/organizations that would not ordinarily qualify for funding under the three prior categories, such as sexual assault trauma units within hospital emergency rooms, batterers’ treatment programs and judicial training.
Method of Notification
Notice of federal funding availability through the STOP Violence Against Women Act is announced through the formal publication of state application kits for each category. Each kit contains the forms and instructions needed to fully complete an application, as well as the regulations and guidelines that each applicant will be required to adhere to should it be awarded a subgrant.
Program Funding Period
October 1 through September 30
- Intergovernmental Services
- Grant Programs
- Request for Proposals
- Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program (SCIP)
- Children’s Advocacy Program
- Arkansas Developmental Disabilities Council
- Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Program (COAP)
- Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding (CESF) Program
- Domestic Violence Shelter Fund
- Family Violence Prevention and Services Act (FVPSA)
- Justice Assistance Grant Program (JAG)
- Local Law Enforcement Block Grants (LLEBG)
- Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) Program
- Pregnancy Resource Center Grant
- Residential Substance Abuse Treatment For State Prisoners (RSAT) Program
- Sexual Assault Services Program (SASP)
- State Drug Crime Enforcement and Prosecution Fund Grant
- Stop Violence Against Women Act (STOP)
- Victims of Crime Act (VOCA)
- Meetings
- Resources
- State Clearinghouse Project Notification & Review System
- State Technology Cost Analysis
- Statewide Cost Allocation Plan and Indirect Costs (SWCAP)
- Records Retention Schedule
- COAP CATEGORY 4-Special Project - Notice of Availability of Funds